Part 48: Goon Playthrough - Part 48

I feel like there's a dozen especially vicious poisonous butterflies having a Grand Ball of their own in my stomach. Poisonous butterflies, that's a good one, Cinders. Lack of sleep will surely make you very eloquent this evening. Still, if things do go according to the plan, this has just been my last night spent as a slave in my own house!

Well, whatever training she gives them, nothing will prepare them for this evening! Oh my, won't they be surprised. As will be Carmosa. The all-powerful, all knowing Lady will be caught at a loss tonight. I think I should sneak out right after they leave the house if I'm to get the dress before it all starts. So hurry up, girls!

At least that much good has come from the masks everyone will be wearing. Guards can be disguised and mix in the crowd. Of course, every assassin, vagabond, or other villain opposing the rule of the Prince will be dressed as guests as well. This is going to be a long night. The security is quite tight, but durinng a masked ball the chance of an unwanted person squeezing in is far too high for my liking. I guess I'll just have to follow the Prince closely. Contrary to what His Highness believes I think a proper guard presence is needed at this event.

I wonder how well THAT will work? Somehow, I don't think people change that quickly or willingly. Someone assaults the future king with a hidden blade, but then suddenly the ruler yells: 'What's the capital of The Lands of the Mist? Well?' And the attacker folds. But fair enough. I have decided not to adapt, so I'm staying behind. And with my inadequate methods I shall protect the Prince one last time. Then come what may.
My attachment to the code, to honor and to the Crown is also a thing of the past. Inadequate. Sigh Let me just check the windows and fences one more time...

I'm so sorry. The sisters kept calling me and wrinkling their noses and demanding adjustments to everything. Their hair-dos, the way their shawls are draped and dresses pressed. And now it's so late. I won't make it in time. How could I have missed my chance! They didn't even noticed but they ruined

Calm down, girl. You will be fine.

But it's so late and the Ball has almost started already, and

You're just nervous. And that is fine, there's a big night ahead of you. But trust me, you will get your chance to dazzle everyone.

You are right, maybe I'm panicking a bit. Good thing you didn't see me when I was running over here like crazy.

Actually, if you want to make an entrance, cause a stir and get envious looksyou ought to come fashionably late. This way you'll be noticed from the start.

Good point. But I guess it's understandable I'm nervous like that.

I think every girl your age has the right to flaunt her emotions to the world every once in a while. But thank the spirits it hasn't come to that.

Yes, thank you. So... What do I do?

I'm glad we agree.

I mean, technically you could go without one. You'd definitely get everyone's attention then. But somehow I think that's not what you had in mind.

I'd prefer not to, if you don't mind. May I see it?

Let me just get the lights... Oh my! This is raunchy. Almost explicit I would say.

Didn't you want to be noticed? This dress should help a lot. Try it on.

Told you. And you're welcome.

The shoes are a bit too small though. And they have a stiff high heel. Dancing in these will be a challenge.

You'll manage. This kind of beauty is not achieved through comfort. It is usually bought with a little bit of pain. In any case, this is just for one night, so simply grin and bear it. You should hurry now.

I didn't mean to be ungrateful. The whole outfit looks wonderful. But how will I get inside?

Great, thank you! Is there anything else I should know before I go?

Just enjoy this, relish the moment. I believe we make our own fate. So good luck, make the best of it.

Thank you! You have done something truly amazing for me. I won't forget it!

Isn't this what you have chosen to support, sire? The monarch is the one to set the tone for his country. Didn't you want the land to become a political arena?

Politics instead of war, yes. But this game of appearances disgusts me as much as it disgusts you. Politics for the sake of progress and people, that is what I think is best for this country. Not this. But I know that you don't condone this, do you?

When the ways of our forefathers are changed, honor disregarded, and rules made grey and flexible, this is what happens. A world where the two-faced win.

That is not entirely true. What should happen is that the people will be given voice and empowered. It may have some disadvantages but... It is still the future.

Yes. But we need a land of prosperity too; and I don't mean material prosperity alone. I want a land of as much joy as is reasonably possible in my realm. It's a worthy goal and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. I do understand your reluctance to practice politics, however. And I appreciate your honesty. You have the right to be doubtful. Curiously enough, to set people free, you need some level of deceit hypocrisy, and gossip.

If you say so, sire.

See, it even rubbed off on you a little, my friend. But right now I have to play along, deal with this lot, and choose a wife from among them. Frankly, I don't see any good candidates on the horizon. What do you think I should do? I could use your advice on how to proceed.

Please, just tell me what you think.

I think that you are over-thinking it, my lord. Maybe just try to blend in and go with the flow of things.

So you are saying I should stop saying outside, observing and judging the women who came here?

Well, that is not exactly what I said.

But you are right! If I am to learn the true natures of the ladies that are here, I need to give them a chance. So for now I am going to stop judging and reach out. Thank you, friend.

You'd be royalty! You do want that, don't you?

I really am not so certain...

Of course we do!

This isn't the attitude that will win you a better life. If you don't commit to it and ignore the rest, you'll lose!

We are committed. We really are. It's just not easy, Mother. But we'll try.

My dear Gloria, nothing in this world that is worth striving for is easy. You need to fight for a better life. Endure hardships, discomfort, and sacrifices. This is your chance. If you play it right, you won't have to worry about any of those ever againdo you understand what it means? Now smarten yourself up, girls. Do something about that cringe, Sophia. And you Gloria, adjust that coiffure! Good.

Now, now. You have to do this if you want to survive and go up. If you commit and do your best you do have a chance. What did you think? That ending up with some smaller nobility or a soldier is an option for my daughters? Only idiots aim low.

So we will do everything we've talked about yesterday and we will try to charm the Prince. I'm not sure that I can do that, but I'll try.

I didn't raise you two to be unable to gain influence over a single man. You are young, pretty. You are women. Use your wits and instincts.

And if that fails you, Gloria, as we all know it will, you can always flaunt your cleavage.

But... Wouldn't that come across as very unladylike? What would people think?
Oh, Gloria.

These dresses cost me a fortune and more than a single white hair, but they should draw some stares. Now let's make sure you get the chance to use your feminine wiles. Each of you will go get the Prince's attention, introduce herself, and get invited to a dance.

How do we get invited? Are we to invite the Prince ourselves?

Just hint at it subtly.

Or heavily. But then remember about the cleavage.

Shut up, Sophia! I am trying to understand what to do as best as I can. You never understood the idea, did you, sister?

Quiet! There are more important things than bickering right now. Focus, you two! You both look astounding. And I'm sure you'll do fine. You are my daughters after all.

What they said.

Gloria, you go first, then Sophia. Remember, stand up straight and smile at all times. And when you dance, every other pirouette brush against him accidentally.

Good luck, sister. You are going to need it, you know.

Don't listen to her. Just go!

Most of them are. As if this was some sort of a contest with the Kingdom and Palace as the main prize.

Well, there are many candidates gathered together for one event, and one of them will be chosen to become rich and influential. If not a contest with the Kingdom as a prize, how would you describe it, my Prince?

Ha, good point, my friend. Alright, let's try to select a wise queen and a good companion for the years to come. That young lady really looks absolutely astounding. And she has this dignified air about her. Please excuse me, friend.

Good luck, my Lord.

Please, stand up. Oh, I'm sure they are. Half of them because they're rooting for their hidden agenda to take effect tonight. But how can I blame them.

Oh, please excuse my bluntness. But do you genuinely think this to be true? What was your impression when you talked to them?

I haven't talked to many of the guests, Prince. But I honestly believe they have the Kingdom's interest at heart. Even if it doesn't show.

Fine. Have you tasted the food? We have brought spices from the Eastern Lands especially for this occasion.

I am sure it's excellent, my Lord. It looks like pieces of art. And the smell is delicious.

Are you sure? Would you like to try this? These small sweetrolls are a particular pride of our cooks. They are called soffins and baking them involves the help of an alchemist.

It is. That is why the taste is indescribable. It's neither sweet, nor sour, salty, or bitter. Ad unlike anything known to nature, alchemically magical. Have some.

Thank you, Your Grace. But a lady should watch her figure.

Surely a woman of your beauty doesn't need to worry about such things. You look as delicate as the morning breeze.

You are too kind, Your Highness.

Are you sure?

Thank you, Your Highness. Maybe just a little bite.

Oh, I'm so sorry for the mistake, Your Highness. I didn't mean to implyI'm truly sorry.

That's nothing. Don't mention it.

Oh, I won't mention it again. If that's what you mean. I'm sorry.

It's fine. Just please, relax. I get the feeling you are very tense. Can we just chat casually?

Of course, my Prince. What would you like to chat about?

The music is heavenly, my Prince.

You really think so? Why?

I don't know much about music. But this seems like an excellent choice, my Prince.

Well... Then maybe let's talk about things that interest you. Why don't you choose the topic?

I do not know what you like and what interests you, Your Grace. Oh my, I did it again. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. It'll not happen again.

Oh, don't botherI mean, worry. Don't worry.

I'm sorry, Your Highness isn't pleased. I didn't mean to upset you, my Prince. I truly didn't.

Somehow I wish you did. Will you excuse me, my lady?